VANISH, 2024
Live video installation.
Mock up, table, camera, tripods, video projection.
Variable dimensions. (Table 66 x 38 x 75 cm)
© Bertrand Lamarche, ADAGP, Paris 2024.
View of the exhibition "Swallowed" at Galerie Poggi, Paris 2024.
Photo Nicolas Brasseur
For Swallowed, his fourth solo exhibition at Galerie
Poggi, Bertrand Lamarche proposes a scenography that
might recall the aesthetics of spectacle and event
production: his tripods, cables, and projectors create a
setting that paradoxically evokes a backstage
environment while simultaneously transforming the
space into a kind of kaleidoscope or optical machine.
Swallowed borrows its architectural motifs from
modeling but multiplies them into a kind of general
visual feedback loop. The exhibition features three new
real-time video installations along with a selection of
recent films. Engulfed in darkness, the space appears
punctured by windows opening onto a "city," where
facades, filmed from a low angle, are animated by large
illuminated signs evoking megacities, their promises,
and their legends.
Each installation consists of an architectural model
topped with a motorized sign. These models are filmed
live, and their image, projected onto itself, creates a
luminous distortion and a mise en abyme effect on the
projection screen, where the shadow of the model is also cast.
These signs, without an obvious destination, display a series of enigmatic texts or words that evoke psychological states, bodily
sensations, or an introspective dizziness.
Excerpt of the Press realease of the exhibtiion at GaleriePoggi, 2024 (FR)